

Please keep in mind that this is a general outline of homework expectations. Homework will be given Monday-Friday. Homework is given to reinforce skills that have been taught in school. The students will have literacy, math, and word work homework daily.They will have science and social studies homework, but not necessarily every night. Homework assignments are posted daily on our Smart Board and homework board. The children copy their homework in their homework planners.  It is the responsibility of each student to copy homework completely and accurately, so please refer to your child's homework planner for specific information. 

Please remember to sign your child's homework planner every night (Monday-Thursday). It is your child's responsibility to bring this to you to get signed.

Please be sure to review your child's homework sheets and completed assignments each night. The homework planner is also a communication tool between home and school, so feel free to write me any notes. Thank you for your cooperation and support in your child's education!

General Guidelines for Weekly Homework (Tests and projects will also be put on here, as they come up. Please check this site frequently).


      Reading: Study Island

      Math: Study Island

      Spelling: Write and sort words 

      Other: Bring in materials for science project due 5/1


      Reading: Study Island

      Math:  practice multiplication facts; Study Island

      Spelling: word hunt ( * sentences for specified groups)

     Other: Study for Southwest Quiz on Mon. 5/6; Bring in materials for science project due 5/1



      Reading: Study Island

      Math:   practice multiplication facts and Study Island

      Spelling: Blind sort

     Other: Study for Southwest Quiz on Mon. 5/6




      Reading: Study Island

      Math: practice multiplication facts,  Study Island

     Spelling: Glue words

      Other: Study for Southwest Quiz on Mon. 5/6



      Reading: Study Island

      Other: Math Study Island

*Study for Southwest Quiz on Monday, 5/6

**Have a great weekend, return Monday with a smile on your face, and ready to learn!!! :)